How Many Kettlebell Swings Can You Do in a Day?

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Kettlebells are weights shaped like kettles and made of cast iron. You can usually find them lined up on the wall at your local gym. They are similar to dumbbells but offer a different set of health benefits.

For many gym-goers, kettlebells are a way to shake up that ordinary workout routine. They can be used as a stand-alone workout or to supplement your routine. With the use of kettlebells, you can get your cardio and strength training in without jumping from one machine to the next.

With the rise in popularity of kettlebells, more and more people want to know how many kettlebell swings they can do in a day. I have done the research and uncovered the answer to this question.

For maximum benefit, keep reading to learn how many kettlebell swings are safe in one day and what could happen if you swing too many times. 

How Many Kettlebell Swings Per Day Is Safe?

Kettlebells are used in a variety of workout routines and goals. Some users like them in their cardio routines, while others use them to focus on building strength.

Using kettlebells for your cardio workout is an awesome alternative to running or using a treadmill. Kettlebells can increase your heart rate just as much as a traditional cardio routine.

For a cardio or strength training workout, you will be doing a variety of movements. Each movement is done in a set and includes a certain number of reps. The number of reps is completely up to you.

What is safe for one person may not be safe for another.

What Factors Determine the Number of Reps that Are Safe for Me?

There are several factors involved when deciding how many swings you can safely manage. First is the weight of the kettlebell. A beginner should not use a weight that is too heavy. You want to challenge yourself, but not overdo.

Here are some tips for choosing the right weight for your skill level.

  • 8 pounds – women who are new to kettlebell training.
  • 26 pounds – women new to kettlebells but have used weights.
  • 35 pounds – men who are new to kettlebell training.
  • 44 pounds and up –  men who have weight trained but are new to kettlebells.

Of course, these are just suggestions. If you are still unsure, speak with a kettlebell trainer for advice.

Secondly, you need to consider what level of kettlebell training you’re at. Beginners will need to work their way into completing more swings as they gain strength. For seasoned kettlebell users, completing a high number of reps may not be a problem.

A beginning workout may include one to three sets with low reps in each set. As you get stronger, you will be able to increase not only your weight but your amount of reps per set.

Thirdly, consider how much rest time you need between sets. Normally 30 to 60 seconds is needed between sets. If you need more than this, you might want to call it quits for the day. Rest time also involves the amount of time your body needs to recover from that day’s workout.

Sometimes it is best to give your body a break. If you have a higher resting heart rate the next day or are feeling extremely sore, give yourself a break, or consider not doing as many swings that day.

The bottom line is that every person is different. We all are at different fitness levels, which determines how many swings are safe for you each day.

What Could Happen if I Do an Unsafe Number of Swings?

We have established that a safe number of kettlebell swings varies from person to person. There are determining factors that everyone who uses kettlebells should consider before starting their workout.

So, what happens if you do too many reps? Doing too much can lead to overexertion. For some people, symptoms of overexertion are extreme soreness and fatigue.

You could experience tingling, numbness, and even weakness in the affected area. When parts of your body are overexerted, it makes it more difficult for that area to heal.

Extreme forms of overexertion include strained muscles, sprains, and fractures. Any of these will get you an appointment with your doctor and most likely out of the gym for a while.

How to Avoid Overexertion from a Kettlebell Workout

The best way to not overexert yourself is to know how to avoid it. The best advice we can give you is to listen to your body. If a movement is painful or doesn’t feel right, stop immediately.

Always give your body time to recover between fitness routines. It is okay to take the day off or do a different fitness routine that does not include kettlebells. Your body might just thank you.

Before any exercises, including kettlebell fitness routines, take time to stretch and warm up your muscles. Cold muscles can easily be strained or injured. Also, take breaks while you’re working out and stay hydrated.

Our last piece of advice for avoiding overexertion is to take things slowly. It is exciting to start a fun new routine with kettlebells. It is best to start with a weight lower than you think you can handle. Take it slow and make sure you are executing the movements correctly with the help of an instructor or video.

The Final Swing

Kettlebells are a great way to shake up that boring gym routine. They are a versatile tool for strength training as well as improving cardiovascular function. Even with all the benefits of kettlebells, there is a chance you can do too much.

Knowing how many swings you can do in a day is important to avoid overdoing it. We now know that the number of safe swings per day will vary from person to person. You need to consider your fitness level and if you have questions, speak with a trainer.