Bionic Body Soft Kettlebell Review

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The Bottom Line: If you like to get creative with your kettlebell workouts or if you like to do a lot of exercises that land on your forearms these unique Bionic Body Soft Kettlebells may be a good fit for you. The soft PVC covering and comfortable, sturdy handle make these kettlebells easy to use and easy on your flooring.

Overview of the Bionic Body Soft Kettlebell

The Bionic Body Kettlebell is one of the highest-rated kettlebells on This rating is because of its superior construction and a unique soft covering. The sand and steel powder filling doesn’t shift around when in use and the handle is both comfortable and durable. Like all good kettlebells is also comes in a variety of weights.

Whether you want to protect hardwood floors or your forearms, the soft kettlebell will deliver.

Here’s what I’ll be going over in this Bionic Body Kettlebell review:

  1. I’m going to go over the features and benefits that you will find useful.
  2. I’ll tell you about a couple of drawbacks that you should be aware of.
  3. I’ll tell you a bit about the Bionic Body company.
  4. Finally, I’ll give you a sampling of real customer feedback on the soft kettlebell so you know whether or not it’s right for you.

Features and Benefits of the Bionic Body Soft Kettlebell

  • Soft PVC exterior.
  • Comfortable handle.
  • Filled with non-shifting steel powder and sand.
  • Extremely sturdy.
  • Available in 10 lb, 15 lb, 20 lb, 25 lb, 30 lb, 35 lb, and 40 lb weight increments.
  • Great for endurance workouts.
  • The soft shell is less likely to dent floors.
  • Two-year manufacturers limited warranty
  • Compact, space-saving structure.
  • Great for unorthodox swings you might not try with traditional cast iron kettlebells.

Special Features and Pros of the Bionic Body Kettlebell

Great way to learn kettlebell snatches.
Moves like snatches from a plank position can be difficult to learn and execute with a traditional metal kettlebell. Because this is a soft kettlebell, it’s easier to learn these difficult maneuvers. Also if you are trying kettlebell flips and drop it, the kettlebell is less likely to dent or go through your floor.

Fantastic for endurance training.
Soft kettlebells are great for designing workouts that emphasize endurance, fluidity, and efficiency.

Extremely sturdy build.
The materials and stitching on the Bionic Body Kettlebell are durable and very well made. These kettlebells have a filling that doesn’t shift or move during the workout.

Drawbacks and Cons of the Bionic Body Kettlebell

Not a cast-iron kettlebell.
This is one of those things where it bothers some people and other people love that it’s not a cast-iron kettlebell. Cast iron bells are better to use for quick movements and fast short bursts of energy. Soft bells are better for endurance and fluidity.

Concerns about form.
There is an idea that “irons teach good form” and that soft kettlebells will not be as good at teaching form as cast iron ones are. To me, this depends on who you are and what you want to accomplish with the kettlebells. If you are aware of the form issue with soft kettlebells you can work on compensating for it.

Bionic Body Soft Kettlebell Video

This 30-second video shows you a Bionic Body Kettlebell in use and how it interacts with your floor.

Should You Get a Soft Kettlebell or a Cast Iron Kettlebell?

If you have hardwood or laminate floors that you don’t want dinged up or if you don’t like the way a cast iron kettlebell feels on your forearms then a soft kettlebell is a good choice. Out of all of the soft kettlebells that are on the market, the Bionic Body is my top pick.

About the Bionic Body Company

Bionic Body makes a wide range of highly-rated fitness products. Their line includes:

  • Kettlebells
  • Medicine balls
  • Elliptical trainer
  • Massagers
  • Resistance tubes
  • Super bands
  • Weighted vests

Bionic Body’s products are meant for people to be able to train well at home and they design quality products.

What Real-Life Customers Have to Say About the Bionic Body Soft Kettlebells

Buying More

I bought the 20lb primarily for double handed swings, but use it for so much more. It’s wide handle makes it easy to grip with both hands. I will definitely be buying the 25 and 30lb.


Doesn’t Get Too Hot

Perfect, as advertised. The padding on the kettle bell really makes a difference in terms of storing the bell when not in use. I keep my multiple bells in my car. The bells with no cover are often to hot or too cold.


Soft Sides – Just in Case it Drops

This is a great product! I like the soft sided especially in my home, just in case it drops! Great Bell! Need to get another one!

Catherine C

The Bottom Line on Bionic Body Kettlebells

These kettlebells are a great addition to a home gym, especially if you have hardwood, laminate or tile floors. If you accidentally drop these soft kettlebells they aren’t likely to put a big dent or ding in your floor.

They are also great if you like to do unusual or difficult exercises with your kettlebells because they are far less likely to bruise your arms.

Note: Whenever I workout with kettlebells I usually wear wrist guards specifically made for kettlebell workouts.

Compare Other Brands of Kettlebells with the Bionic Body Soft Kettlebells

Bionic Body Soft Kettlebells aren’t the only kettlebells on the market. Here are some of their competitors.

Kettle Gryp:
This is a grip that converts dumbbells into a kettlebell. If you already own dumbbells it’s an inexpensive way to get started on kettlebell workouts.
See my Kettle Gryp review here.

Bowflex Adjustable Kettlebell (available on Amazon)
This is my personal favorite kettlebell product. It goes from 12 to 42 pounds in a single unit and is very sturdy.
See my Bowflex Kettlebell review here.

Jax Jox Kettlebell:
This is the most technologically advanced kettlebell on the market. It has sensors that track your workouts, its own app, and is also adjustable.
See my Jax Jox Kettlebell review here.