Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Pull Up Bar Review – #1 Reason You Should Not Buy!

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Overview of my Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym System Review

Multi-gyms are simple tools that take your fitness a LONG way! Today, I’m reviewing the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym System. Once again, Perfect Fitness creates multiple models to fit the fitness level of any user. There are three models – the Sport, the Elite, and the Pro – all available on

If you’re looking for just one piece of equipment to add to your home workout gear that will max your gains, consider a multi-gym. These versatile devices support pullups, dips, pushups, and sit-ups. You can get a full-core workout with just this one simple piece of equipment. 

To help you choose the right Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym for you, I’ll review each of them today.

  • First, I’ll show you some of the benefits common to each model.
  • Then I’ll compare and contrast some of the features of each of the three Perfect Fitness Multi-Gyms.
  • I’ll see if I can dig up any concerns about the products.
  • You’ll get to know the Perfect Fitness Company.
  • And I’ll end things with what real people have to say about their Perfect Fitness Multi-Gyms.

What the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Sport, Multi-Gym Elite, and Multi-Gym Pro Have in Common

First, the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Sport, Elite, and Pro are rated for athletes up to 300 pounds. A lot of models are more weight-limited, making it challenging to find the right one for you. If you’re starting with weight to lose, or if you’ve been bulking up, your options could be limited with lesser gyms. But not with the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym – no matter which model you choose.

Since Perfect Fitness aims to make their equipment effective for everyone, they also want it to be super easy to assemble and use. They’ve done it again with this series of multi-gyms. Just a few screws and an Allen wrench, and you’re ready to workout.

Bonus? The wrench tucks into the bar on the Multi-Gym Elite and Pro models.

Another common feature between the Multi-Gym Elite, Pro, and Sport is the exercises they support. Hang the device to do pullups in your doorway or flip it upside down on the floor and use it for sit up support or for pushup and dip grips.

Comparing the Features of the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym, Multi-Gym Elite, and Multi-Gym Pro

Ergonomic Grip: All three models feature Ergonomic Grips. The Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Sport supports two different grip options. But the Multi-Gym Elite and Pro both up the ante by allowing three grip options – wide, close, and hammer grips.

Padded Handles: Not only are the grips ergonomic, but they’re padded to increase your comfort in any grip. 

Fits Deeper Doorways: Both the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Pro and Elite models will accommodate a doorway up to 6″ deep. This makes them great options for even older homes with deeper openings. 

Door Width: Here’s where the compact Multi-Gym Sport gets to outshine the other two models. The Sport will fit any doorway from 27″ wide up to 35″ wide.  The Elite and the Pro will fit a door up to 33″ wide.  And all three models feature padding on the frame to protect your wall and woodwork from damage.

Warranty: The Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Elite, Pro, and Sport all come with the Perfect Fitness Perfect One-Year Warranty. This is a company that stands by its equipment so you can focus on your fitness goals.

Drawbacks and Cons of the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gyms

I found just one drawback over and over… and frankly, it has me perplexed.

Assembly Questions: Some buyers felt that assembly was a huge problem, but other reviewers thought it had to have been user error… After reading dozens of reviews on both sides, I believe that some buyers may need longer screws than those provided.  

The Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym System – Videos

Here’s what this video reviewer had to say about the Elite System.

Since some reviewers struggled with setup, but others said it was super easy, I went searching for a video to walk us through the assembly. This one starts with the unboxing and shows you exactly how to set up and install your multi-gym.

About the Perfect Fitness Company

Perfect Fitness believes that fitness is for everyone. Founded by a former Navy SEAL, he designed these products to work at home or on the go for everyone.  Beginners will make fast gains – professional and advanced athletes swear by their quality.

Perfect Fitness operates with the intention that every product should be customizable to your fitness level so that you can level up – no matter where you start.

The Bottom Line on the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gyms

A multi-gym like this series from Perfect Fitness is ideal for getting a full-body workout at home or on the go. Whether you prefer a pullup routine, want to perfect your sit-up form, or need help strengthening your dips and pushups, the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Elite has you covered.

If you can only add one new piece of equipment to your home gym, it’s worth considering the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Elite, Pro, or Sport. And this lineup of quality multi-gyms is sure to have the right one for you and your fitness goals!

Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Elite – check price on

Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Pro – check price on

Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Sport – check price on