Jake Gyllenhaal Diet Plan – Disciplined Eating, even for non-Hollywood types

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Onto the article...

Thanks to his tremendous dedication during four months in the unforgiving Moroccan sun, actor Jake Gyllenhaal transformed his body for Disney’s “Prince of Persia: Sands of Time” to stunning effect.  Not only did droves of females have some sweet “eye candy” to stare at for two hours, even the most hardened strongman-types were forced to acknowledge the results of Jake Gyllenhaal’s diet and workout  as designed by celebrity fitness coach, Simon Waterson.

No mistaking this prince for ‘Donnie Darko’ or that ‘Brokeback Mountain’ dude…

In addition to working out like a Persian prince, Gyllenhaal also had to eat like a prince to maintain his strength and repair his body during weeks of crushing “two-a-day” workouts:

‘Eating little and often is the key to building muscle and staying lean’ – Simon Waterson

Courtesy of Men’s Fitness and Mr. Waterson, we present Jake Gyllenhaal’s diet plan during the “Persia” filming :

1.  4:45 AM – Pre-workout snack: Espresso and banana with some nuts.
2.  7:00 AM – Post-workout breakfast: Egg white omelette on rye bread.
3.  9:00 AM – Early morning snack: Protein shake.
4. 11:00 AM – Mid-morning snack: Apple or banana with handful of almonds and raisins.

5.  1:00 PM – Lunch: Two chicken breasts with a huge salad of avocado, broccoli and other dark green leaves and vegetables.
Another option: Tuna and baked potato to go along with salad of leafy greens and other veggies.

6.  3:00 PM – Mid-afternoon snack: Protein shake.
7.  7:00 PM – Dinner: Steak with steamed vegetables, or grilled chicken with couscous.

After his evening workouts, Jake Gyllenhaal’s diet included a light meal, often a soup with protein shake.

‘Jake ate very healthily and didn’t have the fast-food mentality. We gave him lots of salads, vegetables and lean meat to keep his blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.’ – Simon Waterson

Waterson recommends a recognized ‘muscle-building’ ratio for protein intake: Two grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.  Another snack option was natural dark chocolate (no refined sugar).  The occasional glass of wine – flavonoid-rich like dark chocolate – was permitted.

One last thing: whether you are filming an action blockbuster in Africa or conducting your local tri-weekly gym workouts, drink lots of water!  Staying well-hydrated throughout the day keeps you alert and functional.  If you wait until you feel thirsty, you’re probably a little late.

Cannon’s Conclusion

Healthy eating these days should be easy, given the number of delicious options available in most supermarkets, farmer’s markets, and produce stores today.  Unfortunately, too many people use the excuse of their hectic lifestyles to fill their shopping carts with frozen dinners, “fast food”, and other overly processed items.  End result: record-high levels of obesity and cardiovascular disease, and an over-reliance on prescription drugs just to keep going.

When will it end?

Far from being unrealistic or simply a “Hollywood” thing, folks looking to stay fit should consider the benefits of Jake Gyllenhaal’s diet plan, even if they don’t plan on running in the sweltering heat or battling ruthless mercenaries any time soon.


“Jake Gyllenhaal Prince of Persia workout: Royally ripped.”, ed.  www.mensfitness.co.uk.

1 thought on “Jake Gyllenhaal Diet Plan – Disciplined Eating, even for non-Hollywood types”

  1. too bad it's very impractical for most people to eat that frequently or make the same food choices.

    In an ideal world, sure. but not everyone has the luxury of a movie star schedule.

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